“familial unit”
Quarter inch steel welded with orange spray paint overlay
This sculpture features metal rod bent to create five individual rings, then welded together into a single sculpture. I wanted to effectively symbolize the importance of family in the concept of home, given that I have 5 people in my nuclear family. The choice of orange spray paint adds a bold and vibrant energy to the piece, suggesting the warmth and vibrancy of a loving family environment.
By exploring my personal experiences I have created a work that speaks to the experiences and emotions of many viewers who share a similar concept of home and family, but have heavily simplified this understanding. The piece invites viewers to contemplate their own experiences and memories of home, while also celebrating the unique qualities that make each family and living environment special.
I believe that my decision to create a work that is less about the literal perception of family and more open-ended and abstract for the viewer was successful. It demonstrates the potential for art to create connections and empathy across different experiences.