
Collaboration with The Crown Act to inspire girls and women to wear their natural hair in the workplace and at school.


The CROWN Act addresses and aims to eradicate race-based hair discrimination, particularly targeting Black individuals, by defending their right to wear natural hairstyles without fear of prejudice or exclusion.

By fostering inclusion, promoting self-expression, and raising awareness about the importance of natural hair in Black culture, the CROWN Act contributes to creating more equitable and accepting environments where everyone can thrive, regardless of their hair texture or style.


Black women are less likely to wear their natural hair out for fear of being judged in the workplace.

  • This leads to wearing styles that are more tedious or damaging.

  • Unconscious biases are formed against natural hair when it worn less outwardly.

  • People feel more comfortable when they know they are not alone.

  • Fear of perception can stem from discrimination.

  • Hair discrimination impacts children and their view of themselves.

  • Being discriminated against at work can make a job more difficult.

  • unconcioncious Biases can be reduced by cultivating awareness


#BreaktheBias would be a campaign encouraging Black girls and women to wear their hair naturally at the workplace/school.

  • This would work as a larger initative -- perhaps a global date or time, emphasizing togetherness .

  • Goes beyond bias training and puts action behind cause.

  • Educates general public on The Crown Act and its importance.


Devil's Draught


Verizon / Uber Eats